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The un-salty solution for respiratory viruses

Povidone Iodine nasal solution

How’s the saying go? "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!”


There is another solution that you can use much like the saline solution which is Povidone-iodine solution (PVP-I).  It can be used to reduce viral load when you’ve had known exposure to someone with cold, influenza, or even covid.  And it can be done after being around large crowds of people to reduce the chance of onset of symptoms.

That’s right, we usually don’t display symptoms until days later (the incubation period) after exposure to most viral illnesses.  These viruses don’t start “full blown”. So, after your event or activity or known exposure, do a treatment.  Not only might this help prevent you from becoming sick, but it can reduce the degree or intensity of illness. 


It's also just as wise to interject here that simple hand washing with soap and water before touching our nose and face is still very effective. But we know about that right? One mother of a daughter with cystic fibrosis could not allow her daughter in school because of how sick cold symptoms would make her.  That said, she spoke to the school teacher, and asked if the children in her classroom would wash their hands frequently, on purpose, throughout the day. This dramatically reduced the amount of illness in this one classroom for the whole school! 


A solution that can DECREASE the amount of virus replication in our nose and mouth? Maybe I learned it way back in nursing school, but it certainly hasn’t been something we’ve educated patients about over the years. 


In 2021, great physicians like Dr. Peter McCollough, and The Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) started sharing preventative home treatments including 1% povidone iodine (PVP-I) mouthwash/gargle, along with nasal and eye drops, to reduce the viral load, and even protect against COVID!  They even referenced a study in Bangladesh that resulted in a “dramatic reduction in morbidity, hospitalization and death.” This poorer country did not have the money to pay for expensive treatments during the pandemic, and like most were struggling to find a way to effectively treat this coronavirus.  But they knew that povidone-iodine had been used for over 150 years as an antiseptic.  So, they diluted it, and used it amongst healthcare workers, before and after exposure in order to decrease and even eliminate the virus!  Genius!  The conclusion in their own words, “Administration of 1% PVP-I as mouthwash / gargle, nasal, or eye drop is simple, rapid and cost effective in reduction of mortality and morbidity by COVID-19.   In this horrible situation, simple use of 1% PVP -I can change the treatment modality of COVID-19 patients and reduce the hospital as well as financial burden of the globe.”  WOW!  We should be sharing this with everyone, right?!  And if it can work for COVID, can’t we apply this rule to any respiratory virus?

a Naso-Oropharyngeal hygiene diagram


Naso-Oropharyngeal hygiene (Nasal Spray and Mouthwash) 

The combination of nasal antiseptic sprays and oropharyngeal mouthwashes is strongly suggested. Influenza, SARS-CoV-2, RSV, and almost all other respiratory viruses replicate primarily in the nasopharynx. A 1% povidone iodine nasal spray or a spray with Iota-Carrageenan are potent inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus, and dramatically alter the course of infections with these viruses


Dosing and administration: Spray nose and gargle with mouthwash, 2-3 times daily. A nasal spray with 1% povidone-iodine (for example Immune Mist™, CofixRX™ or Ionovo™) administered 2-3 times per day is recommended in post-exposure prophylaxis. We suggest using a mouthwash/gargle in addition to a nasal spray. We recommend products containing chlorhexidine, povidone iodine, or cetylpyridinium chloride or the combination of eucalyptus, menthol, and thymol. Gargle with these solutions 2-3 times/day.”


Cautions: Due to low-level systemic absorption, pregnant women should not use povidone iodine nasal sprays for longer than 5-7 days. While the use of an iodine-containing mouthwash over a six-month period was demonstrated to increase serum iodine levels, thyroid function tests remained unchanged.  It should however be noted that the Ionovo™ spray contains iodine in an amount equivalent to the daily dietary requirement and hence Ionovo Iodine is safe to ingest. In addition, IoNovo Oral Iodine is a "100% natural molecular iodine". If tooth staining occurs, discontinue use of mouthwash and try another product.”


The good news, in patients with symptoms, treatment at home with 1% povidone-iodine mouthwash/gargle, together with nasal drops, will dramatically reduce your risk of morbidity (a condition or disease causing a person to be unhealthy or symptomatic), hospitalization, and death!  That’s a big deal.  There is no need to fear. Our creator has a scripture for nearly every day of the year reminding us to FEAR NOT.  365 times to be exact!  He is with us, He will strengthen us, He will help us!!  He has provided brave and courageous nurses and doctors standing for truth who have studied the science and are helping us.


If you missed part 1 The Salty SolutionClick here


About the author:

Nurse Windy has been a nurse for over 30 years.  She has a strong background in cardiovascular health, and through the pandemic became well versed in all things COVID.  She has been an advocate, teacher, and adviser to many as they navigated their own illness at home or in the hospital.  She strongly believes in informed consent without bias. 

Member of FLCCC Alliance Member since 1/2021. 

Recognized by the FLCCC Nurse Alliance as Nurse of the month in 5/2023.

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