With the continued rise of insurance premiums and deductibles as well as physician and hospital protocols that do not align with health and wellbeing, many individuals and families have found a way how to live without insurance through an alternative in medical sharing groups as well as cash-pay options.
Medical sharing groups offer the same benefits of health insurance without the high costs. Cash pay options, such as Remnant Healthcare, allow individuals and families to have control over the type of health care they receive. Since we do not take insurance, we are not beholden to the “one-size fits all” healthcare protocols thus providing truly individualized care.
Supplementing the above with a Catastrophic Insurance Plan, offers peace of mind in case of an unforeseen illness or emergency.
Your Free and Self-Directed Life
Take Responsibility for your family’s healthcare. Build a First-Aid kit & learn how to use it. (Nebulizer/O2, Pulse-Ox, Thermometer, Sling/Splint, Tourniquet, Steri-strips, Bandages/ice-packs/heat wraps, back-up Rx medications)
Purchase a Basic Homeopathy and First Aid Kit. Helios has excellent kits with guides included.
Favorites include: Fresh Aloe (freeze large leaves in the freezer), Homeopathic Arnica, Castor Oil Packs, Hydrogen Peroxide, Betadine, Vitamin C, Charcoal, & Colloidal Silver.
Helpful books to have on hand. Purchase from Used or Local Book Stores if you can!
Nursing Drug Handbook, Family Homeopathy Acute Care Manual by Kate Birch, Dr. Christophers School of Natural Healing, Dr. Tenpenny’s “The Importance of Fever” Digital book, A Holistic Approach to Viruses by Dr. Brownstein, Iodine - Why You Need It, by Dr. Brownstein, The Grow System by Marjory Wildcraft.
Protect Your Sovereignty! Stop Building the Healthcare Control Grid
✤ SAY NO to the Digital ID/Drivers License.
✤ Help Congress keep the National Patient ID out of the Annual Budget.
✤ HIPAA shares more data than you realize. Digital or Human Scribes record everything.
✤Refuse to fill out surveys or family history questionnaires: “They do not pertain to my visit”
✤ Always ask the medical credentials of the person helping you in the hospital/clinic. Their Scope of Practice matters.
✤ Read “Big Brother in the Exam Room” by Twila Brase, BSN-RN, PHN.
✤ Establish a relationship with a nurse at Remnant Healthcare to assist with acute and/or chronic conditions for all age groups. This may just be what keeps you out of the hospital.
✤ Download the Caregiver’s Consent Form on Remnant’s website.
Navigating Tools
✤ Trust your intuition, listen to your gut, faith and prayer and trusted intelligence networks:
✤ Find High Integrity Health Professionals like Remnant Healthcare. Some health care providers aren’t listed online due to retaliation or censors.
✤ Navigate or Ditch the Government Control (CMS) Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services/EHR health model for the Direct to Patient Care/Private Cash Model that include both Western Medicine and Alternative choices.
Important Organizations that offer Direct to Patient/Cash Payment Practitioners in addition to Remnant Healthcare:
✤ AAPS American Association of Physicians &
Surgeons AAPSonline.org
✤ The Wedge of Health Freedom JointheWedge.com
✤ American Institute of Homeopathy
✤ AANP American Assoc. of Naturopathic Physicians
✤ World Chiropractic Alliance
✤ Cash Pay Surgical Centers: SurgeryCenterOK.com
✤ Use Independent and Compounding Pharmacies: scriptco.com
✤ Online Labs/Cash Pay: MyMedLab.com
✤ Dentists: Holistic, No Fluoride, Use Students for Cleaning to Save Money.

Strategic Planning and Management: Emergency/Hospital Plan
✤ Emergency Bracelets, ICE Contact Card in Wallet & phone contacts instead of App.
✤ Have an idea of what hospital you will use & how you will get there. Ambulance, Uber Medical, Neighbor/Friend?
✤ Keep your communication simple: Think of the ER/hospital visit like you would a DUI Checkpoint. Remain calm yet firm when speaking to Healthcare Professionals.
✤ Medical Power of Attorney/other forms/medication list: Have them ready.
✤ Download the Caregiver’s Consent Form from Remnant Healthcare’s website.
✤ Choose an Advocate/Power of Attorney who will stay with you and fight for you.
✤ Consult a Nurse Advocate at Remnant Healthcare to assist you when you are in-hospital or at an appointment with another health care provider.
✤ Keep your own notes of appointments, hospital visits, procedures & treatments that were ordered. Verify what they are giving or doing to you. Always ask.
Risk Management
✤ Health Plan/Insurance Alternatives
✤ HSA with a Minimal Essential Coverage
✤ ACA plan (saves money but still CMS)
✤ Health Sharing Plans
✤ New Farm Bureau Plans (Six States have
this) TN, IA, KS, IN, SD & TX
✤ Direct Pay (Cash)
✤ Concierge Models (can be Cash Pay, Medicare w/Health Plan, Health Share)
✤ AAA Accident Health Coverage
✤ Catastrophic Coverage
Living Equity
‘The People Bank’
✤ Invest in the New! New Media, Medical Journals, Research, Hospitals & Health Paradigm!
✤ Institute for Pure & Applied Knowledge, Aluminium Research Group, Solari, Defender, UK Column, Join The Wedge Hospitals, Tenpenny Health Restoration Center, Birthing Centers & Home Births.
Invest in the Vax Injury Tsunami that is coming due to Covid shots, Childhood & Adult Schedules
✤ Autism/Vax Injury Adult Home/Day Centers/Families/Caregivers.
✤ Autism Center Austin.
✤ HomeLife Communities.
✤ Remnant Healthcare offers Vaccine Injury support, Autism support, and PANS/PANDAS support.
Education: Invest in yourself/Invest in your children
✤ Learning4You.org, New Biology Curriculum, IPAK-EDU.org , Holistic Medicine, Nutrition etc...
✤ Homeschool, Apprenticeships, Integrity over Harvard.

Financial Equity
Health is your Wealth
✤ Invest in clean food & water, save money on hospital bills later.
✤ Water & Food Safety Guides on Environmental Working Group EWG.org.
✤ Move your body regularly, lessen stress, be mindful of your daily thoughts, and get adequate sleep.
Taxes: Penalty vs ACA Is it worth paying the penalty if you are uninsured?
Lower Costs of medical premiums mean more cash on hand, less Gov Control & Data sharing, more
control over your health CARE.
Career: Create a position/job if you can’t find one, we need to rebuild small business.
If you are working for the bad guys, stop when you can or work to change the system from the inside.
Choose integrity.
Turtle Forth
Use these 8 principles as you learn to Turtle:
1.Maintain a state of amusement.
2.Integrate all aspects of your life.
3.Acknowledge that freedom happens one person at a time.
4.Embrace personal responsibility.
5.Face Reality.
6.Develop discipline.
7.Respect the law.
8.Nourish your love.
Most importantly, be grateful for this beautiful life. Love your family and friends. Be the change you want to see in the world!
Medical Sharing
An Inexpensive Alternative to Health Insurance
Health Care Sharing Ministries
Medical sharing groups are private non-profit Christian or non-denominational organizations designed to help members pay for their health care expenses. They are also called health care sharing ministries, as written in the Senate health insurance reform bill, H.R. 3590.
Lower Costs
Although not health insurance, members of these ministries pay a monthly fee either to the ministry, or directly to other members. Members often cover simple procedures and office visits through their own cash payments. Monthly payments by group members are significantly lower than health insurance company premiums. They can be as low as $275 per month for a family of any size.
Sharing Expenses
When a member needs help with a medical bill he submits a request for assistance to the sharing ministry. All eligible medical needs are published to the membership after the individual or family has paid their share of each medical episode. Nearly all essential expenses are covered from chemotherapy and major surgeries to routine checkups. In nearly every case, the request for financial assistance is granted. In some circumstances, such as injuries sustained while driving without a helmet or a seat belt, medical sharing is reduced.
Limits on Sharing
It should be noted that while none of the three groups declines applicants for preexisting chronic conditions such as cancer, the member’s expenses related to the condition are not typically shared
unless the condition has not required treatment for one to three years.
Perhaps the most notable difference between medical sharing groups and health insurance companies is their criteria for enrollment. Be sure to research medical sharing groups to determine which are in most alignment.
Valued Alternative
What makes medical sharing groups unique, and a viable alternative to health insurance companies, according to Mr. Lansberry, is the “...community approach to healthcare; this special attitude we have of
being in this together. That makes this better than anything else out there...We are trying to
re-personalize healthcare, or put the care back into healthcare.”
Conclusion: How To Live Without Insurance
Individuals who want a more community-oriented approach to healthcare, hold Christian beliefs, and/or worry about the rising cost of health insurance premiums may want to consider joining a health care sharing ministry. Lower monthly payments enable people with incomes below the federal poverty line to obtain coverage for medical expenses. By offering lower costs, catastrophic coverage, and more freedom to choose physicians, specialists and hospitals, these three medical sharing groups demonstrate the patient-centered values, religious principles, free market ideals, charity, community focus, and compassion for fellow human beings that is all too often lacking in many health insurance options available today.
Contact Information
For any questions or additional support, please contact us at: info@nursefreedomnetwork.org